The Power of TikTok: Why Businesses Should Pay Attention

TikTok's ascent has been nothing short of phenomenal. Not only did it become the most downloaded app in 2022, but it also witnessed a staggering 62% increase in time spent by kids watching TikTok videos compared to YouTube as per Sprout Social’s blog. What's more, its largest demographic comprises Gen Z, with over 45 million monthly users falling within this age range. With its rapid growth, TikTok has already surpassed Instagram in popularity and is set to outstrip Snapchat.

The User Base with Purchasing Power

One of the most compelling reasons for businesses to embrace TikTok is the platform's diverse user base, including those with significant spending power. In a related article by the Entrepreneur, users aged 10 to 19 constitute 32.5% of TikTok's audience, while those aged 20 to 39 make up nearly 46% of active users. This demographic diversity translates into increased purchasing power and a heightened interest in products and services with higher price points.

A research from ConvertSocial states that sales through TikTok's platform have skyrocketed, experiencing nearly a 400% increase. Influencers have played a pivotal role in this surge, leveraging advertising and sales opportunities, particularly in affiliate marketing and paid partnerships. Moreover, small businesses have seized the opportunity to establish targeted sales chains aimed at younger audiences, strengthening their brand identities along the way.

Untapped Potential: Women on TikTok

Surprisingly, about 54% of TikTok's global user base identifies as female, representing a massive, yet largely untapped market. Astonishingly, only 18% of marketers have fully embraced TikTok as an advertising channel. This presents a golden opportunity for brands to engage with female TikTok consumers who wield significant influence over consumer spending, accounting for approximately $10 trillion of U.S. financial assets.

Monetization Trends on TikTok

While content creators and influencers have mastered affiliate marketing and sales funnels on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, TikTok remains relatively uncharted territory for monetization. The platform's novelty, coupled with the unique mechanics of earning, has made TikTok's influencer monetization strategies more intricate than those on other platforms.

For instance, creators must actively promote their affiliate codes or frequently update links in their profiles to keep pace with their product promotions. However, a growing trend indicates that influencers on TikTok are evolving their monetization methods. Recent data from ConvertSocial reveals that income from brand partnerships among TikTok bloggers surged by 58% in the past year. This demonstrates that influencers are recognizing the effectiveness of combining traditional affiliate marketing with the influential power of brands.


As we step into 2024, it's imperative for businesses to take TikTok seriously, recognizing the spending power of its diverse user base. With most TikTok users capable of making purchases directly through the platform, brands stand to reap significant rewards.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the potential regulatory risks associated with TikTok, particularly in the United States. Governments have expressed concerns due to its Chinese ownership, but these concerns have not deterred TikTok's global user base. To navigate this landscape successfully, companies must leverage TikTok's popularity while remaining vigilant and prepared for potential challenges.

TikTok's upward trajectory shows no signs of slowing down. With new advertising tools on the horizon, influencers gaining expertise in marketing mechanics, and more brands venturing into the TikTok space, tremendous opportunities await. TikTok is not merely a passing trend; it's a powerful marketing tool that businesses should integrate into their strategies to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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