5 TikTok Ad Types you need to know this 2024!

With TikTok becoming a powerhouse in the digital marketing landscape, understanding the different types of TikTok ads is essential for any brand aiming to make an impact on the platform. In this guide, we'll explore the various TikTok ad formats and help you determine which one is best suited for your paid campaign goals.

1. TikTok Spark Ads

TikTok Spark Ads are designed to seamlessly blend into users' For You Page (#FYP), resembling organic content created by TikTok creators. By turning organic videos into sponsored content, brands can leverage the audience of TikTok creators for better targeting and increased reach. What sets Spark Ads apart is that they are presented from the account of the creator rather than the brand, enhancing their authenticity and engagement potential.

2. TikTok Shopping Ads (Video Shopping Ads)

TikTok Shopping Ads, also known as Video Shopping Ads, are shoppable videos that appear as users scroll through their #FYP or search results. These ads allow users to browse and purchase products directly within the TikTok app. With advanced targeting options based on demographics, interests, and user behaviors, brands can effectively reach audiences most likely to make a purchase.

Key Features:
  • Shoppable Content: Video Shopping Ads enable users to browse and purchase products directly within the TikTok app.
  • Advanced Targeting: Brands can target audiences based on demographics, interests, video interactions, and other behaviors to reach potential buyers effectively.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Users can interact with Video Shopping Ads via likes, comments, and shares, driving greater engagement and brand exposure.
  • Direct Sales Channel: Video Shopping Ads provide a seamless shopping experience, allowing users to make purchases directly within the TikTok app.

Source: Anwar, H. (2022, August 18). TikTok introduces new shopping ads as its latest push into the world of eCommerce. Digital Information World.

3. TikTok Shopping Ads (Product Shopping Ads)

Product Shopping Ads are displayed in TikTok Shopping Center's Recommendations and Search. These ads feature product images and information automatically extracted from the advertised product's Product Details Page (PDP). Users can click on the ad to land directly on the corresponding PDP to make a purchase.

Key Features:
  • Product Display: Product Shopping Ads showcase product images and information extracted from the product's Product Details Page (PDP).
  • Direct Purchase: Users can click on the ad to land directly on the corresponding PDP and make a purchase.
  • Seamless Shopping Experience: Product Shopping Ads provide users with a seamless shopping experience, allowing them to make purchases directly from the TikTok app.
  • Increased Conversion Rate: By providing users with direct access to product information and purchase options, Product Shopping Ads can significantly increase conversion rates.

4. TikTok Video Ads (In-Feed Ads)

In-Feed Ads are seamlessly integrated into users' For You feeds and appear as they scroll through TikTok. These ads can be between 9 to 15 seconds long and allow users to engage with them through likes, comments, and shares, just like non-ad content. In-Feed Ads can include captions, images, and a call-to-action button linking to an external landing page, making them ideal for driving website traffic and sales.

Key Features:
  • Seamless Integration: In-Feed Ads seamlessly blend into users' For You feeds, providing a native advertising experience.
  • User Engagement: Users can engage with In-Feed Ads via likes, comments, and shares, driving greater engagement and brand exposure.
  • Increased Brand Exposure: In-Feed Ads allow brands to reach a wide audience on TikTok, driving greater brand exposure and awareness.
  • Direct Traffic: In-Feed Ads include a call-to-action button linking to an external landing page, making them ideal for driving website traffic and sales.

5. TikTok Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads are displayed in-feed and contain up to 35 product shots for users to swipe through at their own pace. Available in two formats, Video Shopping Ads (VSA) and Standard, Carousel Ads cater to different campaign goals.

VSA is ideal for driving sales, while Standard is designed for traffic and awareness campaigns. Both formats include music, ad captions, and a call-to-action button, making them highly engaging and effective for promoting products.

Source: Dao, T. (2023, July 18). TikTok Carousel Ads: Showcase all your products visually. 

Key Features:
  • Multiple Product Shots: Carousel Ads contain up to 35 product shots, allowing users to swipe through multiple products at their own pace.
  • Two Formats: Available in Video Shopping Ads (VSA) and Standard formats, Carousel Ads cater to different campaign goals.
  • Increased Product Visibility: Carousel Ads showcase multiple products, increasing product visibility and encouraging users to explore more offerings.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Users can engage with Carousel Ads by swiping through multiple product shots, driving greater engagement and interest.

Understanding the different types of TikTok ads is crucial for brands looking to maximize their presence and engagement on the platform. Whether you're aiming to drive sales, increase brand awareness, or promote user engagement, there's a TikTok ad format that's perfect for your campaign goals.

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